Crystal Pools, A Guide To hiking This Famous Trail




This was written on December 23rd, 2024. Please note thatinformation may become outdated over time.



To protect this natural treasure, a permit is required forthe Crystal Pools hike. Here’s how to obtain one

  1. Check availability
    Call Steenbras Nature Reserve at
    +27(0)21 444 6927 to confirm your
    desired date.
  2. Request a permit
    [email protected] your group size and desired date atleast 2 working days in advance.
  3. Complete the booking form
    Complete the Steenbras Bookingform provided by the nature reserve,attach a copy of your ID/passport,and return it to them.
  4. Make payment
    You’ll receive an invoice withpayment details. Pay the R85 per person fee online or at your nearestNedbank, Pep, Checkers, Woolworths,Shoprite, pick n Pay, or Spar.Remember to send a photo of yourpayment slip [email protected]
  5. Receive and print your permit
    Once payment is processed, yourpermit will be emailed. Bring aprinted or electronic copy of yourpermit on the hike for validation by aranger.


  • Wear good hiking shoes, a sun hat, and sunscreen.
  • Do not feed or intentionally disturb any animals.
  • Respectwildlife and the natural environment.
  • Firearms or Pets are not allowed.
  • No fires or gas appliances are allowed.
  • Pack enough water and snacks (but be mindful of baboons).
  • Do not liter. This area is a NO BinZone, please take all your wastehome with you.
  • Stick to the designated foot path and walk single file to preventsoil erosion.


No overnighting is permitted.



Permits are only issued from 1st of November to 30 April each year(closed during winter months).

Maximum group size is 10 people.

Only 50 people are allowed in the reserve per day.


Finding the Crystal Pools Trailhead

The pools are truly inviting for swimmingand relaxing—you could easily spend awhole day here! However, be mindful ofthe baboons in the area. While we didn’tencounter any on our hike, they areknown to be quite common. To avoid anyunwanted encounters, it’s best tominimize the amount of food you bring.We opted to leave the picnic lunchbehind and instead enjoyed a deliciousmeal at PitStop Lodge, a lovely diner nearCrystal Pools, after our hike.Of course, you can still bring snacks tokeep you energized on the trail and besure to pack at least 2 Liters of water tostay hydrated.The trail winds through lush fynbos, withlarge boulders adding to the sceniclandscape.

Important Note

Cell phone signal can be unreliable inthe mountains. If you’re hiking with alarger group, consider bringing walkie-talkies. We used the Baofeng 16 ChannelUHF Walkie Talkie 2 Way Radio (availableon Takealot for around R400), whichworked perfectly when our group splitinto different paces. It allowed us to stayconnected and coordinate easily.



  • The Crystal Pools Hiking Trail begins on the R44, heading towards Rooi-Els.
  • Here’s how to find the trailhead:
  • Cross the Steenbras Riverbridge:
  • Look for the firstwhite bridge afterGordon’s Bay.
  • Find parking: A couplehundred meters past thebridge, you’ll find parkingon the right-hand side ofthe road.
  • Look for the wooden hut:
  • The trailhead is markedby a small wooden hut.

First pool:

About 45 – 1-hour minutes from thestart, this pool offers a great spot for a break.

Second pool:

Another 10-15 minutes further, this isthe largest pool, perfect for swimming. There isalso a waterfall to enjoy a natural “shower.”

Third pool:

For those seeking more adventure, asteep climb leads to a smaller pool with a moresecluded feel. “The third pool is up a steep rockysection of path and has a much smaller waterfallon the far bank. The entry into the water was alittle trickier with not much in the way of a seatingarea. Only a few members of our hiking groupwent all the way up to the top as the rest of uswere very happy with everything the second poolhad to offer.

Fourth & Fifth pool:

These pools are located along the same path as the first and second pools,about 10-15 minutes apart. While they’re worth aquick visit, if you’re short on time, we recommend focusing on the upper pools (second, third, orfourth) for a longer stay.

Important Note

While jumping from the rocks is exhilarating, please prioritize safety.
Diving is stricty prohibited. Its recomended to hike with a registered guide or someone experienced with the trail.


This hike is a great option for those with a moderate level of fitness.
While the terrain is generally flat, the 6.5-hour duration (including
breaks) requires some stamina. Be sure to pack plenty of snacks
and water and start early to beat the heat! Don’t forget to wear
comfortable shoes with good grip and ankle support—trail shoes or
hiking boots are ideal.
This was one of my favourite hikes I’ve done combining beautiful
ocean views, with gorgeous fynbos and cool mountain swimming
spots. I’d highly recommend it! And while getting the permit can be
a bit of a mission, I promise it’s well worth it!”
This is a truly special hike that combines stunning scenery,
refreshing swims, and a sense of adventure. While getting a permit
requires some planning, it’s well worth the effort to experience the
beauty of Crystal Pools.